data analysis is essential for the synthesis of
successful strategy."
Although much admired for his dedication, bravery, skill
and intelligence, Computron is an unfortunate example of
being too technologically advanced for his own good.
Centuries ago on Cybertron the five Autobots who comprise
Computron - Afterburner, Nosecone, Strafe,
Lightspeed and Scattershot - agreed to apply the new
engineering science of mechanical combinatics to
themselves so that they could unite to form a
super-Autobot to more effectively combat the Decepticons.
Scattershot, however, insisted that their combination
be better than anyone else's, that the contribution of
each of the five component Autobots to the whole be
maximized in every way. The result was not what anyone
expected: Computron was created, but as he was programmed
to thoroughly and exhaustively analyze the input of each
of the five who comprise him, he takes several minutes to
form a consensus opinion and make a decision. Any
decision. Of course, without exception, the decision he
makes is the right one, but very often it comes too late
to make a difference. He genuinely regrets when this
happens, and feels even worse that he's unable to do
anything to change it. Nevertheless, he is well known for
his sharp mind, and respected for it. He chooses every
word with great care and precision and takes great pride
in knowing that when Computron talks, everybody listens.
Computron possesses awesome strength. He can lift up to
240 tons. He has excellent radar and communications
capabilities. He possesses extensive data storage and
data processing capacities. He is armed with Scattershot's automatic acid-pellet gun, which
shoots capsules containing a highly corrosive liquid that
explodes on impact.
Slow decision-making is Computron's most glaring
liability. He sometimes overheats and breaks down when he
attempts to process more data than he can handle.