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Transformers Armada
The Toys

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Recommended retail prices.
Denmark Norway Sweden Finland
150 DKK 175 NOK 205 SEK 20 EUR

Cyclonus, Hot Shot, Demolishor Part of the first wave (released in January)


Cyclonus has rotating helicopter blades. Crumplezone attaches to Cyclonus to become the nose of the helicopter.
In both helicopter and robot mode, when a Mini-Con is attached on each side of Cyclonus, a missile is fired.

In sports car mode, when Jolt is attached to the hood of Hot Shot, blades flip out of the front bumper. When Jolt is attached to the rear of the sports car, Jolt can pivot into fan mode.
In robot mode, Jolt can attach to the lower back of Hot Shot. When he is pulled down, the rear wheel axle of the sports car pops up, spins around, and fires a missile in one motion.

In tank mode, Demolishor can fire two missiles when his Mini-Con partner Blackout is attached on his cannon turret and pulled back. The tank also has a command post for Blackout.
In robot mode, Demolishor fires missiles with a Mini-Con attached to his arm, and in both modes he can store two additional missiles. He also has an attack base mode.

Sideways Part of the second wave (released)
Sideways comes with two Mini-Cons called Rook and Crosswise. Depending on which of the Mini-Cons attach to him, he becomes either an Autobot or a Decepticon. In both bike and robot mode, the Mini-Cons can unlock Sideway's projectiles. Rook and Crosswise combine to form a larger robot which rides Sideways in bike mode.
Sideways, robot mode Sideways, vehicle mode

Smokescreen Part of the second wave (released)
Smokescreen, robot mode 

In both robot and vehicle mode, Liftor attaches to Smokescreen's boom arm to extend the it 7,5 centimeters. Once extended, the boom arm can flip open to reveal a hidden projectile.

 Smokescreen, vehicle mode

Thanks to Hasbro Nordic A/S for providing most of the photos!

This page was created by Lars Eriksson,
The last revision was made on Saturday, July 5, 2003

Disclaimer: This website is not created or run by either Hasbro, Kenner, Takara, Marvel Comics, Dreamwave Productions, Devil's Due Publishing, Titan Books, DK Publishing, IDW Publishing, Atari, Melbourne House, DreamWorks SKG, Paramount Pictures, or any other company whose characters or products are mentioned on the website. It is in no way intended to infringe on the copyrights and trademarks of these companies; it has been created for informational and entertainment purposes only.
Webmaster: Lars Eriksson,